Tag: Ketogenic Diet

  • Health Reporter tries to debunk the Ketogenic Diet

    This health reporter is basically regurgitating what was written on the Harvard Health Publishing web site. The points brought up are the same points that are always brought up but the recent science that debunks the negatives of a Keto Diet are never explored, either in the article or in the Harvard posting. The keto…

  • Going low-carb improves the ability to regulate blood sugar

    Another study is showing that limiting intake of carbohydrates allows those with Type-2 Diabetes to better control their blood sugar. Patients with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to regulate blood sugar levels if they eat food with a reduced carbohydrate content and an increased share of protein and fat. This is shown by a…

  • Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease

    More promising news on the Ketogenic Diet and it’s potential for treating Alzheimer’s Disease. The presence of ketone bodies has a neuroprotective impact on aging brain cells. Moreover, their production may enhance mitochondrial function, reduce the expression of inflammatory and apoptotic mediators. Thus, it has gained interest as a potential therapy for neurodegenerative disorders like…

  • Is this the Keto Diet’s moment? Or will it fade away as just another diet fad?

    My personal experience says that this type of lifestyle works. Limiting carbohydrates and not eating so much will keep your weight stable and keep you in a good position to be as healthy as you can be. Denying yourself, however, is never a good thing. While I do live my life naturally eating fewer carbs…

  • This couple had such success on the Keto Diet they wrote a book about it.

    A cancer researcher and kinesiology professor and a health journalist found out about the Keto Diet and after 6 years of success decided to write a book about the science behind it. Dave Harper and Dale Drewery are not only romantic partners, they’re keto diet partners as well. In 2013, the couple, who live in Vancouver and have…

  • The Ketogenic Bible

    I have read other books on the science behind low carbohydrate diets. I was keenly interested in this one because it focuses on the Ketogenic Diet in particular. Most people who know me know that I watch what I eat… meaning that I watch the food as I shovel it into my mouth. But, I’ve…