Author: ketokooking

  • Intermittent Fasting and exercise

    The question is being asked if it is safe to exercise and also intermittently fast. First, let’s get something straight. If you don’t eat breakfast and you work out first thing in the morning you’re exercising in a relative fasted state. Hardly anyone would question a person’s ability to do this. It’s not that hard.…

  • Making coffee better for your brain

    I still prefer a simple cup of black coffee. I guess I’ll just have to deal with the cognitive deficiencies of my daily habit. Coffee is a daily ritual for many people. “Don’t talk to me until after I’ve had my morning coffee” is a phrase you’ve likely heard at least once in your life.…

  • The cult of keto?? Uh oh…

    So now the Keto Diet has reached cult status! Why does everyone have to do this? If people want to eat this way and it’s working for them then leave them alone. While some normal people might use keto judiciously to shed a few pounds fast, it also has a host of weirdly tribal followers.…

  • c|net covers keto?!?

    How far has c|net fallen from the technology news site it used to be? I used to religiously read c|net and follow many of the columnists and hosts in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Now they’re reporting on the Keto Diet? Who do they think they are? The Verge? The average keto dieter wants to keep…

  • What’s the diff between keto and paleo?

    In short, the difference is primarily whether or not you consume processed or unprocessed food. With keto many people eat processed foods because they are just watching their macros. With paleo you can’t eat processed food because you’re restricting yourself to things that the supposed Paleolithic man would have eaten. To me, it all boils…

  • Meet the Ketotarian. To each his own I guess.

    Everyone needs to feel virtuous I guess. Why? Just eat what you like. You’re not saving the planet by eating vegetables instead of meat. You’re not saving the animals by eating vegetables instead of meat. No matter what you are, carnivore, omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan you’re killing something to consume it. You’re either killing plants…