• Low carb alternatives to pasta

    Low carb alternatives to pasta

    I’m just going to come out and say it. Despite the information in the article I’m linking to today I don’t think there is a true acceptable alternative to traditional pasta. Pasta substitutes just can’t compete. That doesn’t mean you can’t use these items. But just know that your dish will not be the same.…

  • Today show covers the keto diet

    What is ketosis?The body always seeks out glucose (and its stored form, glycogen) for fuel. Limiting carbohydrates mean limiting the body’s favorite fuel — and so it must adapt. The alternative solution is to burn stored fat instead. The metabolic shift from burning glucose to fat produces ketones. Ketones are important because while the body…

  • Continuous glucose monitors are becoming all the rage

    I looked into getting a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) before. Not because I have diabetes but because I was experimenting on myself with taking a more strict low carb diet. It turns out you need a prescription to get one. I don’t know why since I was able to get a ketone and glucose test…

  • Test podcast upload

    https://ketokooking.com/mp3/test-upload.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe RSS | More

  • NYT blames meat first for obesity and COVID-19

    Jane Brody of the New York Times has it right when she calls out obesity and Type-2 diabetes for being high risk factors for severe cases of COVID-19. This has been known since almost the beginning of the pandemic. What she doesn’t get right unnecessarily blaming meat. Of course, in recent decades many of the…

  • Keto bread fantasy

    Good keto bread and keto friendly bread is what many low carb dieters long for. I have tried different recipes and looked at commercial “keto friendly” loaves of bread available at grocery stores and have yet to find anything that is both good and low carb. What makes good bread? Gluten. And where does gluten…