Author: ketokooking

  • Keto bread recipes

    Personally I haven’t had too many keto bread recipes that I like. But, I’m always willing to try out more. The first rule of keto dieting is cutting back on carbs—which means bread is pretty much out of the question. But keto followers are in luck: there are plenty of ways to work around the…

  • More baloney on eating meat

    Each week it seems we get a new study on the effects of eating meat. Last week meat is great and this week meat is crap. Who knows what to believe anymore!! What I do know is that I’m not going to put much stock in a study that uses diaries to record what people…

  • Is popcorn keto??

    The simple answer is no. It’s corn. But, if you’re eating absolutely no carbs on the day you’re eating popcorn AND you limit yourself to a few cups of popcorn you can squeak by without knocking yourself our of ketosis. But wait—it’s not all bad news for popcorn devotees. “If you popped your own popcorn…

  • Woman loses 80 lbs. in a year through intermittent fasting

    Intermittent fasting (IF) or Time Restricted Eating (TRE), call it what you want but either way you’re not eating as much as you used to and you’re not spiking your insulin every few hours. The results are incredible and it’s so easy to do. With a Ph.D. in epidemiology, Etienne-Mesubi put her research skills to…

  • Keto food truck comes to Seattle

    I don’t live in Seattle but more power to them!

  • Is Peanut Butter Keto Friendly?

    In short… yes. But you can’t have too much or you’ll blow through your carb allotment for the day. And definitely don’t have it with jelly, jam, preserves, or bread! “Technically, peanuts are a legume, which are typically eliminated on a keto diet,” Naomi Whittel, Gainesville, Florida-based author of High Fiber Keto, tells Health. But…