Tag: Intermittent Fasting

  • Book: Life in the Fasting Lane

    Last week I finished reading, “Life in the Fasting Lane”, and I think it’s a great book for anyone looking to get into intermittent fasting or even fasting for longer periods. The book follows the real experiences of Eve Mayer and chronicles her successes and struggles with weight, diet, and fasting. There is nothing better…

  • Intermittent fasting and eating disorders

    First we need to dispense with the notion of disordered eating. There is no such thing. The main problem with modern society is that we eat too much and we eat too much of the wrong thing. Humans are animals like any other and if we didn’t have access to modern society we would have…

  • Intermittent Fasting and weight loss

    Whether you follow the calories in calories out (CICO), low carb high fat, or low fat high carb method of dieting it should be easy to see why the act of intermittent fasting will contribute to weight loss. If you’re not eating then you’re not adding things to your body that contribute to weight gain.…

  • Intermittent fasting may suppress disease

    I don’t know if any of this can ever be proven since we can’t take a group of people and lock them up for a period of years. Hopefully someday we’ll have proof other than anecdotal evidence from people like me. It turns out that weight loss may not be the only way that switching…

  • Intermittent Fasting and heart health

    I’ve been doing what is now called intermittent fasting for a couple decades. Never once did I feel like gorging myself. Your stomach can only fit so much food into it. Skipping one or two meals doesn’t make you more hungry. And if you stay away from sugar and other carbs you will feel full…

  • Woman loses 80 lbs. in a year through intermittent fasting

    Intermittent fasting (IF) or Time Restricted Eating (TRE), call it what you want but either way you’re not eating as much as you used to and you’re not spiking your insulin every few hours. The results are incredible and it’s so easy to do. With a Ph.D. in epidemiology, Etienne-Mesubi put her research skills to…